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Garth Brooks - The Change

Printable Version

From "Fresh Horses" (1995)
(Tony Arata, Wayne Tester)

Tab By:  Phillip Carter

Capo: 3rd Fret

INTRO: [Em7]  [D]  [C]  [G]  [D]  [C]

[C/G]One hand reaches out and pulls a lost soul from harm,
while a [D]thousand [D/E]more go [Em]unspoken [Cadd9]for.
And they say what [G]good have you done by saving just this [F]one?
it's like [Dsus4]whispering a prayer [D] in the [Dsus4]fury of a storm

And I hear them [Cadd9]saying, You'll never [G]change things,
and no [D7]matter what you do it's still the [C/G]same [G]thing
But it's not the [C9]world that I am [Em]chang[C]ing
I [G]do this so, this [D/E]world will know [D7] that it will not [C/G]change [G]me


[C/G]This heart still believes that love and mercy still exist.
While all the [D]hatreds [D/E]rage and [Em]so many [Cadd9]say
That [G]love is all but pointless in [F]madness such as this
It's like [Dsus4]trying to stop a [D]fire with the [Dsus4]moisture from a kiss.


[F]As long as one heart still holds on
then [Em7]hope is never really [G/D]gone  [D]

[G]And I hear them [Cadd9]saying you'll never [G]change things
and no [D7]matter what you do it's still the [C/G]same [G]thing
but it's not the [Cadd9]world that I am [Em]chang[C]ing
I [G]do this so the [C/G]world we know [D7] never changes me.
What I [G]do is so this [C/D]world will know [D7] that it will not change me

OUTRO:  [C/G]  [G]  [Cadd9]  [Em]   [Cadd9]
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